The latter only adds the Blackwood chapter to accounts that at least own the base game. Free Game Updates for All Players, DLC The Elder Scrolls Online: ESO Plus - 1 Month. The former is an all-in-one package, combining the base game with every chapter: Blackwood, Greymoor, Elsweyr, Summerset, and Morrowind. From new outfits to new dwellings and pets, there will surely be. The core options include The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Blackwood or The Elder Scrolls Online – Blackwood Upgrade. Unlocking the Nightmare Bear Cub pet requires the pre-order of The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood. If financial barriers do not apply to or concern you, this pet can be yours in a matter of minutes. The flame-ridden Nightmare Bear Cub pet is available in ESO and the single prerequisite for acquisition is easy, provided you are comfortable with parting with some of your hard-earned cash.

A new pet of infernal nature can be obtained right now! Players will be feeling the heat later this year when they jump into The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood, an Oblivion-oriented journey starring the Daedric Prince of Destruction Mehrunes Dagon, but they wont’ have to wait long to bring a small bit of hellish fire into their adventure.