
Megaman x buster upgrade
Megaman x buster upgrade

megaman x buster upgrade

This is such an effective strategy that most high-level speedrunners choose to tackle his stage second and buster duel him to death.

megaman x buster upgrade

Boomer Kuwanger can also be stuck in a loop by an extremely risky dance of death at the center of the boss arena-he'll try to teleport in to bull rush X and slam him into the ceiling, but if you dart out of range while he attempts this, you get a bunch of free shots on him.Chill Penguin goes up in flames, Spark Mandrill is literally frozen in place, and Sting Chameleon will bounce back and forth between two corners of the ceiling easily reached by X's boomerangs. Lots of bosses in this game can have their behavior broken by their weaknesses.Advancing Boss of Doom: The first Mole Borer in Armored Armadillo's stage will chase down X with its One-Hit Kill spiked roller drill, forcing X to either kill it, outrun it (it will fall into a spiked pit and die), or find a method to get behind it.

Megaman x buster upgrade